Cers_Taxiarches Holy Temple_Central

Taxiarches Holy Temple

Fastening & Rehabilitation of Taxiarches Holy Temple Korydallos, Athens Special...

Cers_Holy Mary Annunciation Orthodox_Central

Holy Mary Annunciation Orthodox Church

Rehabilitation & Reinforcement of the Steeple at the “Holy Mary...

Cers_Orthodox Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary _Central

Orthodox Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary

Rehabilitation and Reinforcement of the Orthodox Church of the Assumption...

Cers_pre-Byzantine Temple in Athens_Central

Pre-Byzantine Temple in Athens

Reinforcement of Structural Elements pre-Byzantine Temple in Athens Kydathinaion str.,...

Cers_Rehabilitation of Hagiography in Evosmos Holly Temple_Central

Evosmos Holly Temple

Rehabilitation of Hagiography in Evosmos Holly Temple Evosmos, Thessaloniki Epoxy...