Cers_ZARA Kolonaki_Central

ZARA Kolonaki sq., Athens

Reinforcement of Structural Elements in Listed Building made of concrete...

Cers_ZARA Thessaloniki_Central

ZARA Tsimiski, Thessaloniki

Reinforcement of Structural Elements in Listed Building ZARA commercial building,...

Cers_ZARA Korai sq., Athens_Central

ZARA Korai sq., Athens

Rehabilitation of concrete & stone made Listed Building ZARA commercial...

Cers_ZAR Heraklion, Crete_Central

ZARA Heraklion, Crete

Non Vibrating Diamond Demolition of existing 5-level concrete made Building...

Cers_Pi55 Co-Working space Building_Central

Pi55 Co-Working space

Structural Rehabilitation of concrete made Office Building Pi55 Co-Working space...

Cers_Alpha Bank Headquarters_Central

Alpha Bank Headquarters

Reinforcement of Structural Elements in Listed Building Alpha Bank Headquarters,...