Partners & Suppliers
Since 2004 that was founded, CERS Group has engaged a most extrovert mentality. Partnerships with the most prestigious and specialized entities, both of academic and professional origin have been vividly active.
The supply chain that has been formed consists of the most modern, reliable and cutting-edge collaborations, adding value to the engineering level of services CERS Group is providing.
Who We Are
CERS is an Engineers’ Firm that was founded in Athens, Greece, in 2004, Cyprus in 2011 and Malta in 2017.
The main construction activities of the firm involve the full spectrum of the Repairing, Reinforcing & Protective works to all types of construction, the Non-Vibrating Diamond Concrete Sawing and the Non-Explosive Demolition of Reinforced Concrete.
CERS is also involved in the field of Non Destructive Testing and Investigation Works for contemporary and listed buildings, bridges and Technical Works, regardless of their construction material (Reinforced Concrete, Structural Steel, Masonry and Wood).