Reinforcement of Structural Elements in Listed Building Alpha Bank Headquarters,...

Cers_SNF Donation Healthcare Program_central

SNF Donation Healthcare Program

Design & Build of 8 Radiotherapy Departments in 6 Public...

Cers_Rea Maternity Hospital_central

Rea Maternity Hospital

Temporary & Permanent Structural Works in “REA MATERNITY HOSPITAL”  ...

CERS_Infrastructure Redevelopment for New Radiotherapy Equipment  Hospitals: Hygeia (Marousi Athens), Agios Andreas (Patras), Ioannina University Hospital, Athens Medical Center (Marousi), Hygia Polyclinic_central

Infrastructure Redevelopment

Infrastructure Redevelopment for New Radiotherapy Equipment Hospitals: Hygeia (Marousi Athens),...

Cers_Infrastructure Redevelopment for New Radiotherapy Equipment  Hospitals: AHEPA (Thessaloniki), Agios Savvas (Athens), Larissa General Hospital,  Euromedica Athinaion (Athens), Athens Children’s Hospital, Interbalcan Medical Center_Central

Redevelopment for new radiotherapy equipment

Infrastructure Redevelopment for New Radiotherapy Equipment Hospitals: AHEPA (Thessaloniki), Agios...